Sunday 18 May 2014

p e r f e c t i o n

imagine a world where everything is perfect.

imagine a world where everyone was valued for the beautiful people they are

where nobody would be judged 

by their weight

or their height

or the color of their hair

or the way they

l  a  u  g  h.

imagine that world for a moment. imagine it with all your might.

are you imagining it?


now, take a deep breath, and delete it.

delete it.

d  e  l  e  t  e    i  t.

delete that world, because, let's be honest, it's not

r  e  a  l.

not yet.

maybe one day, with a little love, it can be.

but not today.

i want you all to know that even though this world isn't perfect

it can be.

i mean, we already have a full cast of beautiful people

lovely people

perfect people.

but there's also a lot of distress





a lot of which gets taken out on the innocent

which is just so

s  a  d.

because nobody deserves to feel unwanted.



n  o b  o  d  y.

this is a blog for those who do feel unwanted.

those who do suffer on a daily basis.

from bullies

from depression

from hate

from self-harm

a  n  y  t  h  i  n  g.

because you're still beautiful

even if you are a little

b  r  o  k  e  n.

this is a blog for those people who just need a smile

just a smile

just a little reminder that they don't need to change who they are for anybody

because you're already amazing.

you're already good enough.

in fact, you're beyond good enough.

you wanna know what you are?


i'll tell you.

you are...

p  e  r  f  e c  t  i  o  n.


  1. I really like this post, Lola, the format you used is beautiful and I like what you're saying here.

    1. Thank you so much! It really does mean a lot to me. :)

  2. I just found this lovely blog and I'm loving it already. This was beautiful. I can't wait for more posts, Lola Autumn!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm really glad you like it. Stay amazing, princess. :)


~you are so so so so so beautiful and you have the power to change anyone's day into a good one with just your voice. please use that power here~