my story

h  e  l  l  o.

my name is lola.

lola autumn.

and once upon a time, i was broken.

not even a year ago, i made awful mistakes

because i thought i was

a  w  f  u  l.

i lived in the shadow of lies and deceit

being told i wasn't good enough

i wasn't pretty

or smart

or pretty

or skinny

or funny

e  n  o  u  g  h.

at least not to me.

i was always second-best 

always replaced by my friends

always alone

but then my hands picked up a blade

and suddenly i wasn't alone

i had my scars to keep me company.

i'm still recovering from those months.

sometimes i

b  r  e  a  k 

all over again.

but i know that i can glue myself back together.

i try to stay strong.

for me.

for my family and friends.

for you.

because i want to help you.

i   d  o.

i really do care about you.

so please don't be afraid to reach out to me if you need a hand.

because i'm here for you.



w  h  a  t.

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~you are so so so so so beautiful and you have the power to change anyone's day into a good one with just your voice. please use that power here~